12 Gutter Drainage Solutions and Tips for Downspout Runoff Drainage

Updated Mar 15, 2023

Updated Mar 15, 2023

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Have you noticed that rainwater builds up around the outside of your home? Or perhaps you’re experiencing mold and dampness in your home, but you can’t figure out the root cause.

Our team at House Method knows that protecting your home and saving your yard from water buildup is important. We’ve compiled the best tips for gutter drainage to help you get started and solve your runoff problem. Read on to discover our 12 solutions for better gutter drainage.

12 Solutions for Better Gutter Drainage

1. Install Gutter Guards

Gutter guards prevent debris from entering gutters. They can save you a lot of time cleaning and maintaining your gutters. They’re also effective in avoiding gutter freezing, stopping blockages, and improving water flow.

2. Regular Maintenance and Gutter Cleaning

Remove debris, stones, leaves, and more from your gutter drainage system to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Removing twigs and leaves prevents pests and animals from forming a nest, which could affect your drainage system.

Use a small scoop with smooth edges to collect anything accumulated in your gutters. Follow up with a garden hose to clean the area and flush out any stuck-on residue.

3. Install Downspout Extensions

A downspout extension helps to redirect water to a specific location — particularly away from your home’s foundation to prevent any water buildup or damage to your home.

These extensions also help to control the flow of water and prevent splashes everywhere, which could cause mold and dampness in some places.

4. Use Splash Blocks at the End of Downspouts

Splash blocks help to protect your lawn from damage as water flows out of the gutter drainage system. They connect to the bottom of your gutters and collect water that would otherwise pool at your home’s foundation.

They’re beneficial if you often experience heavy downpours or to prevent mold and fungus infestation caused by a buildup of water.

5. Install Buried Corrugated Drainage Pipes

This type of drainage pipe has small holes that allow water to enter and exit at a slow rate. They’re effective in preventing your lawn or house foundation from drowning in water. They also help to drain the water away from your home while remaining hidden.

6. Improve Yard Grading and Slope

Yard grading helps to prevent rainwater from building up. Renovating your garden with a slope (with the help of a landscaping expert) allows water to drain slowly to a more extensive section away from your house.

Preferably, the grading will slope by around one inch every foot from your home. Most importantly, the ground shouldn’t slope toward your home, which would worsen the chances of rainwater building up near your home.

7. Consider Installing French Drains

A French drain keeps water from traveling toward your home. They can prevent damage to your home caused by collecting any rainwater before it reaches the foundation. French drains are also beneficial in averting large pools of water away from your lawn.

8. Direct Runoff Toward Storm Drain/Dry Well

A dry well installs under your lawn and can save your property a lot of water damage. This system channels water to the lowest point in your garden, giving the water a place to collect. It then dissipates the moisture into the soil, preventing copious amounts of water from building up around your home or on the lawn’s surface.

9. Install Roll-Out Drain Sleeves

These DIY drainage filters attach to the base of your gutter and prevent clogged pipes, allowing stormwater to flow through and disperse.

When rain pushes down onto them through the gutter, they automatically roll out to allow the rainwater to drain away from your home’s foundation. They then easily fold back in when it’s dry, saving space in your garden.

10. Fill in Any Low Spots

Don’t allow water to sit in your flowerbeds or gather in large pools surrounding your home by hiring a professional to resurface any low spots. An uneven surface encourages water to gather in large puddles. While it might be a significant commitment, leveling out your garden and path improves water drainage.

11. Get Rain Barrels or Cisterns

This is one of the most effective and quickest drainage solutions. Install a rain barrel underneath your drainage system to collect rainwater, which you’ll then pour out into sewage pipes. This stops rainwater from building up around your home.

12. Build a Rain Garden

This is a shallow area in your garden explicitly designed to collect rainwater. It’s surrounded by plants that will eventually soak up the water and provides a specific location for rainwater to head to.

Tips for Draining Gutter Runoff

Maintenance is critical here. Gutters need help with draining if there’s a buildup of twigs, leaves, etc., in them. Also, apply any of the above tips to improve the flow of water and encourage the rainwater to divert away from your home.

Different Types of Gutter Drains

Gutter drains are available in a host of materials, including zinc, copper, stainless steel, cast iron, and a PVC pipe option.

Consider stainless steel for its rust resistance and minimal maintenance and cleaning. It might be heavier than many of the other materials, but it’s exceptionally durable.

The Best Drain for Gutters

An aluminum downspout extension is worthwhile in directing water away from your home. Roll-out drain sleeves are also inexpensive and easy to attach to your current gutters. Yard grading is another effective gutter drainage solution in ensuring that water doesn’t come into contact with your home.

How Far Should Your Gutters Drain From the House?

If water creeps into your home’s foundation, you could end up with structural damage. Aim to position your gutters around four to six feet from your house. Also, ensure the gutter draining system securely connects to the roof.

Where Should Gutters Drain to?

Stormwater should drain away from your home. With the help of the above gutter draining ideas, gutters can direct rainwater to the depths of your lawn. Gutters and a well-designed yard should also allow water to transfer to a sewer system, preventing any potential flooding caused by heavy rain.

Who Are These Gutter Drainage Ideas Aimed At?

At House Method, we believe prevention is better than cure. So you don’t need to already have a yard drainage issue to apply these tricks.

Final Thoughts

These gutter drainage ideas will prevent water from forming around your home’s foundation, which wreaks havoc on the structure, warmth, and safety of your home.

Invest in high-quality gutters with an adequate drainage system to eliminate the chances of mold growth and floods.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I divert rainwater from my house?

Improve yard grading to direct water away, fill in any low spots surrounding your home, and consider downspout drainage extensions. All of these solutions reroute water in a direction farther away from your home.

Should downspouts go into the ground?

No. If they touch the ground, you risk rainwater gathering back into the gutter. Aim for it to land 12 inches from the ground. Any higher and you risk large splashes of water during a heavy rain pour.

Are French drains better than gutters?

French drains are ideal for helping with heavy runoff. However, gutters are much easier to install. For the best of both worlds, consider implementing both.

What is the best way to prevent mold and mildew in my gutters?

Add gutter guards and remove any buildup of debris and dirt in the gutters. Mold and mildew typically form with poor maintenance and clogging, so remove anything that could stop water flow.

What can I use for underground gutter drainage?

Use an underground downspout drain or French drains.

How do you disperse water from gutters?

Clean out any foreign objects in the gutters and wipe away any mold or mildew.

What should you do when installing gutters?

For the best and safest result, hire a professional. You don’t want to risk any falls while you install them, and you want to ensure that they’re securely attached.

What is a typical gutter system?

It measures four to six inches wide, though larger houses surrounded by trees might need a wider size. Also, a thick material (around 0.32 inches) lasts longer and is less likely to sag.

What are the benefits of gutters?

Gutters catch and disperse rainwater rather than it bouncing off roofs. Most importantly, they protect your house from water damage.

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